Posed, performance, and casual photos of the band Be Your Own Pet.
1Be Your Own Pet The band seated on the ground.
2Be Your Own Pet The band standing by a railing.
3Be Your Own Pet The band seated on a doorstep.
4Be Your Own Pet The band in a posed shot.
5Be Your Own Pet The band back stage.
6Be Your Own Pet The band posed in front of an aluminum door.
7Be Your Own Pet Posed shot in front of a car.
8Be Your Own Pet The band seated inside a caged area.
9Be Your Own Pet The band firing water pistols in the alley behind a concert venue.
10Be Your Own Pet Posed shot of the band in a living room.
11Be Your Own Pet Posed shot of the band outside.
12Be Your Own Pet The band posing with a huge hanger.
13Be Your Own Pet Autographed poster of the band.
14Be Your Own Pet Singer Jemina Pearl posing for the camera in her pink high top chucks.
15Be Your Own Pet Jemina Pearl performing in her red low cut chucks.
16Be Your Own Pet Performing in red chucks.
17Be Your Own Pet Posed shot with water guns.
18Be Your Own Pet Jemina Pearl singing in a studio.
19Be Your Own Pet The band in rehearsal.
20Be Your Own Pet Jemina Pearl wearing black high top chucks.
21Be Your Own Pet The band relaxing on a couch.
22Be Your Own Pet Posed shot inside a cage, view 2.
23Be Your Own Pet Jemina Pearl performing in her red high top chucks.
Be Your Own Pet (also known as BYOP) was a four-piece punk/garage rock group from Nashville, Tennessee. The band personnel consisted of Jemina Pearl – vocals, Nathan Vasquez – bass, backing vocals, Jonas Stein – guitar, backing vocals, and John Eatherly – drums.
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