Photo gallery of the band Morningwood who are wearing chucks in casual, performance, and posed photos.
1Morningwood Morningwood lead singer Chantel Claret.
2Morningwood Chantel Claret interacting with a fan.
3Morningwood Chantel bending over backwards during a concert.
4Morningwood Bassist and co-founder Pedro Yanowitz.
5Morningwood Chantel and guitarist Richard Steel in concert.
6Morningwood In concert
7Morningwood In concert.
8Morningwood CD cover photo
9Morningwood Backstage before a concert.
10Morningwood In concert.
11Morningwood Casual photo
12Morningwood Pedro Yanowitz and Chantel Claret
Morningwood was an alternative rock band from New York City. Founded in 2001, it primarily consisted of Pedro Yanowitz and Chantal Claret. Morningwood was signed to Capitol Records.
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