Photo gallery of Squad Five-O band members wearing black, white, and red chucks in casual, posed, and performance situations.
1Squad Five-O Posed shot of the band. Two members sporting chucks.
2Squad Five-O Casual shot of the band.
3Squad Five-O Casual shot of the band outside.
4Squad Five-O The band performing.
5Squad Five-O The band in performance.
6Squad Five-O Casual shot of two band members.
7Squad Five-O Rocking out in performance.
8Squad Five-O Posed shot of the band.
9Squad Five-O Posed shot of the band.
10Squad Five-O The band at a beach showing black and red chucks.
11Squad Five-O Posed shot of the band.
Squad Five-O is a punk rock band from Savannah, Georgia. Like their initial ska-punk stylings, their name was derived from a cross between the television shows Hawaii Five-O and the The Mod Squad. Between 1997 and 2006 the band grew lyrically and in popularity, and also shifted its style significantly. Over the course of their career they moved from a very small indie Christian label to the major label Capitol Records and released five albums in the process.
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