A ChucksConnection Film Review


Miley Cyrus wears black high top Converse “Chuck Taylor” All Stars in the film.
Greg Kinnear wears light blue low cut Converse “Chuck Taylor” All Stars in the film.


The Last Song

by Marissa Carbone


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Ronnie is alienated from her father.


Veronica “Ronnie” Miller (Miley Cyrus) is a recent high school graduate visiting her estranged father Steve (Greg Kinnear) at his beach house for the summer with her younger brother, Jonah (Bobby Coleman). Both Ronnie and Steve are talented musicians, and they were once very close until Steve divorced her mother and moved away. Completely ignoring her father and refusing to spend time at his home, she stumbles upon a local boy at the beach who catches her eye. Will Blakelee (Liam Hemsworth) is a rich southern boy with everything going for him. He is attracted to Ronnie, but at first she wants nothing to do with him. She believes guys like him are all the same, jumping from girl to girl. However, Will keeps trying to win Ronnie over and is willing to do whatever it takes to get her to go out on a date with him. He finally is successful when he demonstrates his concern for environmental issues by helping Ronnie protect a nest of turtle eggs on the beach.


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Ronnie is pursued romantically by Will.


Ronnie is very closed off and distant with everyone in her life. Will however, sees through this. He is attracted to Ronnie because she isn’t like all the other girls he has dated or met. She is mysterious; Will senses that there is more to her than what is on the surface and that intrigues him. Throughout the first part of the film he works to figure out a way to break down the emotional wall she uses to keep others away.


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Jonah is upset by Ronnie’s behavior and actions, accusing her of ruining the summer.


The two start dating, but once Ronnie finds out that she and Will are from two completely different worlds she has doubts about being able to fit into his lifestyle. Throughout the movie Ronnie and Will are faced with challenges that will really test their love and commitment to each other. What you notice while watching this movie is that the relationship between the two teenagers is a different kind of young love. They face obstacles that challenge their relationship and they have to make difficult choices. Do they take this chance on love or is it easier to move forward and start their adult lives apart?


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Ronnie and Will find common ground protecting turtle eggs from predators.


The performances in this film are amazing. You can really feel the chemistry between each and every character especially Cyrus and Hemsworth. From the moment they lock eyes you can feel an instant connection, which is probably why they ended up dating in real life after they finished making the movie. Another relationship that is fun to watch is between Ronnie and her younger brother Jonah (Bobby Coleman). Anyone with a sibling can relate to the relationship the two characters share. For such a young actor Coleman does an excellent job. He is definitely an actor to keep your eyes on.


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Ronnie and her father eventually reconcile.


Best Chucks Scene


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Will takes a marking pen to write on Ronnie’s toe cap.


In this film the two characters that can be seen wearing chucks are Ronnie, played by Miley Cyrus, and her father, Steve, played by Greg Kinnear. The best chucks scene in this movie is when Will writes “forever” on the toecap of one of Ronnie’s black high top chucks. In this scene you can really get a close look at the chucks and the moment that these two share together. It feels as if the whole movie slowed down so audience could get a real feel for the emotions the director was trying to portray.


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Will writes “forever” to assert his love.


The Last Song. (2010) Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth, Greg Kinnear, Bobby Coleman, Kelly Preston.
Directed by Julie Anne Robinson. Categories: Drama, Romance.
ChucksConnection Rating: 2.5 chucks rating MPAA Rating: PG

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