The latest style of colors available in single color shoelaces are bright neon colors. Neon laces come in four colors: neon lime, neon orange, neon pink, and neon yellow. The ChucksConnection carries neon shoelaces in three widths, classic flat athletic laces, retro shoelaces, and fat (wide) shoelaces. The classic shoelace is our most popular model and looks great on all pairs of chucks or other athletic shoes. Classic shoelaces are the tubular style of flat athletic laces that chucks wearers enjoyed before the nineties. The main difference these days is that shoelaces are now mostly made with polyester or polyester blends instead of cotton. Retro shoelaces give your chucks the look of the 1950s or 1960s again. Retro shoelaces are 1/2 inch wide and fit in between standard flat athletic laces and fat laces in width. Fat (Wide) laces are 9/16 to 5/8 inches wide and give you that urban look that is currently popular.
Classic flat athletic neon shoelaces are available in four different lengths:
45 Inch Flat Athletic Chucks Shoelaces for chucks with seven eyelet pairs (low cuts, smaller sized high tops, or roll down high tops that will be permanently folded over)
54 Inch Flat Athletic Chucks Shoelaces for chucks with eight eyelet pairs (standard sized high tops or large size low cuts)
63 Inch Flat Athletic Chucks Shoelaces for chucks with nine eyelet pairs (largest sized high tops or for extra lace length on standard sized high tops)
72 Inch Flat Athletic Chucks Shoelaces for knee high chucks with 12 eyelet pairs used in different configurations.
Retro and fat (wide) neon shoelaces are available in two different lengths:
45 Inch Flat Athletic Chucks Shoelaces for chucks with seven eyelet pairs (low cuts, smaller sized high tops, or roll down high tops that will be permanently folded over)
54 Inch Flat Athletic Chucks Shoelaces for chucks with eight eyelet pairs (standard sized high tops or large size low cuts)
To order neon shoelaces or view photo galleries of neon shoelaces on chucks, click on the Shoelaces Page link below.
Core model high top chucks with neon lime retro shoelaces.