Matilda is a children's novel written by legendary British writer Roald Dahl. Published in 1988, the story centers around young Matilda Wormwood, a precocious child with uncaring parents, and follows her time in a school run by the tyrannical headmistress Miss Trunchbull. Over the years, the work has gained quite a following and has been the subject of numerous adaptations. There was the 1996 feature film directed by Danny DeVito which was a critical success. Then came the West End musical adaptation in 2010 that brought a whole new element to the story, and was met with huge success. The musical still runs on the West End to this day, and there have been a Broadway version, a US National tour, and International tours since. This led to the release of the 2022 Netflix film adaptation of the musical, bringing pro visuals to what has only been seen on the stage so far.
Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.
In order to promote the release of the new Netflix film, Alisha Weir, who plays the titular role, made an appearance on The Late Late Show in November of 2022. The Late Late Show is an Irish late-night talk show that is actually the world’s second-longest-running late-night talk show, after the American The Tonight Show. Now when musical productions go on late-night shows, they tend to try and incorporate as many show elements as they can. This includes bringing some props and doing as much choreography as possible. So for this performance, Alsiha performs on the Late Late Show set with some props from the film. This includes Matilda’s bed and a large cupboard where her father’s hair products are kept. Alisha is dressed in a beautiful blue dress and silver hih top chucks. These chucks fit so well with the rebellious character that it makes you wish she actually wore them in the film.
Alisha Weir is an amazing Matilda in chucks.
The music of Matilda the Musical is primarily in a pop-rock style. The song “Naughty” is the second song of the film and acts as Matilda’s “I Want” song in the musical. She laments how it seems that characters in the books she reads don't have a choice on their destiny. It’s already written for them. This is unacceptable to Matilda and she vows that she won’t accept what’s been written for her, even if that means being a little bit naughty. Alisha performs the song very similarly to how she performs it in the film. She starts in her bed as she recounts the story of Jack and Jill and how their fate was sealed when she opened the book. As she makes her way through the rest of the song, we see her sabotage her dad’s hair products just like in the film, and she even hits the iconic Matilda pose. Ashley is a perfect Matilda in the film, so it’s no surprise that she nails this performance.
Strike a pose!
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Lace up a pair of silver high top chucks for your music video.